Please make an appointment before your visit!
Vacation Notice
The clinic will be closed from February 3rd to 7th, 2025, due to statutory leave. For urgent cases during this period, please contact MUDr. Štefek at Libušina třída 19, Brno, phone: 547 381 741.
Acute Patients
We attend to acute patients from 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM, or by prior telephone arrangement.
Respiratory Symptoms
If you have respiratory symptoms, please wear a mask or respirator covering your mouth and nose.
Scheduled Appointments
From 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM, we see patients by appointment only.
Blood Sample Collection
Blood samples are collected from 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM for patients with prior appointments. During this time, the nurse will not be able to answer phone calls.
Patient Registration
Due to collegial reasons, we are not accepting patients from MUDr. Kadlecová and MUDr. Štefek. To schedule a registration, please use our phone or email contact, or the contact form.
Check-In System
Upon arrival, please use the “NEKLEPAT” check-in system by selecting the purpose of your visit on the display and then inserting your insurance card as shown on the screen.